How SureSmile® Works

SureSmile technology allows your orthodontist to design a braces treatment that moves your teeth into their ideal position more precisely than traditional methods.

With the accuracy of SureSmile, you'll achieve a beautiful, healthy smile while spending less time wearing braces compared to conventional orthodontic treatments.

SureSmile - The Process:

Step 1: Advanced Orthodontic Imaging

SureSmile creates a 3D model of your teeth using advanced imaging technology, such as the OraScanner® or Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). CBCT scans give your orthodontist a detailed view of your teeth, roots, and surrounding tissues, helping them better analyze your unique dental structure.

Step 2: Customized Treatment Planning

Using the 3D model, your orthodontist can examine how your teeth align from every angle. SureSmile's software includes virtual simulation tools, allowing the doctor to map out the most effective treatment plan to achieve the final desired positions of your teeth. With this detailed planning, you'll clearly understand the expected outcome.

Step 3: Precision with Robotics

After defining your treatment plan, SureSmile technology instructs a robot to bend an archwire made from a shape memory alloy to match your customized prescription. This archwire applies consistent, gentle forces to guide your teeth to their final positions. Made from Copper Ni-Ti® and heated to over 1000°F, these "smart" wires retain your personalized prescription and are activated by your body heat.

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